

Jared Levy and Alan Knuckman debate the attraction of Apple, Tesla and Real Estate onTraders Unplugged.

Zacks RTI – Is Google the New Apple?

AAPL | GOOG | FB Google more than exceeded analysts’ expectations last night reporting Q4 earnings of $8.62 compared to $8.22 the year prior. Excluding items but including Motorola Home, the company earned $10.59 per share, up from $9.50 a share in the year-earlier period. Google is treating their Motorola Home unit as a “discontinued business,” but is hinting Zacks RTI – Is Google the New Apple?

Apple vs Samsung, Can Both Win ?

AAPL | GOOG | MSFT The two companies account for over 50% of Smartphones sold worldwide.  The two companies are facing off in a California courtroom today in a technology patent trial. Apple wants to ban US sales of the Samsung Galaxy series Smartphones and tablets, citing their similarity to Apple’s  i-products (iPhone & iPad).  But do they really Apple vs Samsung, Can Both Win ?